Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations is a suite of not for profit, Aboriginal community organisations that provide a range of business activities, products and services on behalf of, and for the interests of the Djabugay people. 

Our Six Corporations:

  • 1. Djabugay Tribal Aboriginal Corporation (DTAC) is the lead arts and cultural development arm. It incorporates the new Djabugay Art Centre and various cultural programs including the Ngirrma (language) programs.
  • 2. Buda:Dji Aboriginal Development Association A/C (BADA) is the principal administration, employment and economic development arm, and drives business and economic development strategies.
  • 3. Djabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (DNTAC) is the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) arm, established to be legal Entity to hold the Native Title rights over the Barron Gorge National Park on behalf of the Djabugay People.

Our Main Business Activities

Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations consist of three related corporations that oversee a range of related program and business activities.

These include:

    •    Financial Management & Grants

    •    Property Management

    •    Native Title & Cultural Heritage

    •    Skill & Professional Development

    •    Culture & Language Promotion

    •    Djabugay Art Centre

    •    Development of Nyawarri Estate (Ranger station and Horticulture property)

    •    Bulmba Indigenous Rangers

    •    Fee For Service - Cultural Services & Natural Resource Management

The Corporations serve a variety of needs within the Natural Resource & Land Management sectors, Cultural  & Language sector and Skill Development, Employment & Engagement sectors.

Our Products and Services 

The Corporations currently host one Program under the government’s Community Development Program (CDP):    •    Horticulture & Asset Maintenance

The Corporations also offer Fee for Service provision for a range of Land Management demands including casual labour for weed and pest control, fire control and management, and other land management tasks. We also offer a Fee for Service in regards to Cultural Heritage, including cultural surveys for building works and Welcome to Country proceedings for corporate events.

A key ‘product’ is Djabugay Cultural Heritage, and a range of ‘services and products’ stem from this area:

    •    Cultural Heritage Fee from Tjapukai Park

    •    Future Cultural Heritage Fee’s from Operators in Barron Gorge National Park

    •    A range of Language and Culture Books

Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations is currently developing a number of economic development concepts for further development.