Djabugay Tour Guiding Aboriginal Corporation
Buda:Dji Aboriginal Development Association A/C
Djabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
Djabugay Tribal Aboriginal Corporation
Nyawarri Estate Aboriginal Corporation
Djabugay Tribal Aboriginal Corporation (DTAC)
- Incorporated in 1992- ICN: 1536- ABN: 33 736 940 706
DTAC is the oldest Djabugay Corporation.Established to be the welfare advocate for the Djabugay People, it has also taken on a more political advocay role and the main property owning corporation within the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations
Djabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (DNTAC)
- Incorporated in 1992- ICN: 1536- ABN: 35224813036
DNTAC is the 3rd oldest of the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations. Established to be legal Entity to hold the Native Title rights over the Barron Gorge National Park on behalf of the Djabugay People
Buda:Dji Aboriginal Development Association A/C (BADA)
- Incorporated in 1995- ICN: 2527- ABN: 26254713433
BADA is the second oldest of the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations.Established to be the cultural arm of Djabugay People, it has also taken on the principle administrativerole within the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations.
Djabugay Tour Guiding Aboriginal Corporation (DTGAC)
- Incorporated in 2012- ICN: 7697- ABN: 98 915 997 033
DTGAC is one of the more recent additions to the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations.Established to manage Cultural Aboriginal Guided Tours for thr Djabjgay People.
Nyawarri Estate Aboriginal Corporation(NEAC)
- Incorporated in 2012- ICN: 7726- ABN: 36869718797
NEAC is one of the more recent additions to the Djabugay Aboriginal Corporations.Established to manage to manage our farm property “Nyawarri Estate” - named after the late Djabugay Queen Maggie Donahue.